Groundbreaking at Vinge
This Monday, the new station area celebrated groundbreaking in Vinge. The design strategy for Vinge Station is based on the ideas and designs from EFFEKT's winning masterplan from 2013 done in collaboration with Henning Larsen Architects, MOE and Marianne Levinsen Landscape. The vision behind the masterplan was to build a brand-new city centred around a "green heart" combining nature with public and social services, and linking infrastructure with recreation and daily life in a simple iconic station area in the city centre. Based on the area’s movement patterns and terrain, the design creates a landscape that makes it simple and intuitive for the users to find their way and move around in the station.
The station design is further developed and designed by Henning Larsen Architects and Tredje Natur. Vinge Station is expected to be completed by 2021.