Roskilde Station Area
The main concept for the new Roskilde Station Area is to reunite the city and reinvent the station as an integral part of the city centre, by transforming leftover land areas along the railroad into a vibrant urban district and infrastructural hub in Roskilde.
The design reconnects the two parts of Roskilde divided by the railroad lines; The historic UNESCO world heritage center in the North including the Roskilde Cathedral and the more recent areas in the South dominated by industrial developments and contemporary culture such as the Roskilde Festival.
The new Roskilde Station Area will transform the station from a former barrier in the city to a unifying hub – merging urban life with infrastructure and creating a coherent urban experience in Roskilde, inspired by and in respect to both the rich cultural heritage and the cutting edge contemporary culture that Roskilde is known for.
One of the key elements of the design is the integration of the station into the surrounding city. This is achieved by transforming the railway station into a large urban space that will become a new destination in the city with vibrant city life, shops and public spaces right on platform.
As an alternative to a traditional bridge or tunnel as the infrastructural link across the railway, the design team propose an open green urban space with the railroad tracks hovering above. The passage will serve as the main connection between the two parts of the city and will be lined with shops, cafés and service functions as well as informal areas for social interaction and recreation. This solution also leads to a more intuitive navigation throughout the station and provide a great vantage point of the city while solving the logistics of the 30.000 daily passengers more seamless and efficient.
Project name
Roskilde Station Area
Urbanism, Infrastructure, Architecture
New Pedestrian Connection, Housing, Office, Retail, Department Store, Hotel
Rosklide, Denmark
1st prize, On-going
100.000 m2
Municipality of Roskilde
Design team
Sinus Lynge, Tue Hesselberg Foged, Kasper Reimer, Christoffer Gotfredsen, Ulrike Marie Steen, Gorka Calzada Medina, Yulia Kozlova, Evgeny Markachev, Pawel Potemkowski, Lavinia Andreea Marcu, Weronika Marek, Urszula Chomiak, Mette Tange Dahl
Karres+Brands, WTM, Engineers ARUP, ALECTIA