Safe homes for foster families in Ukraine
Safe homes for foster families in Ukraine

Safe homes in Ukraine have become a scarce resource. For foster families, the situation is particularly fragile, as finding new housing for larger families is challenging. At the same time, the war has increased the number of children and youth in need of a foster family and a secure home.

Therefore, we are especially pleased that Children’s Living Places has now found its first anchor location in Ukraine. The project, initiated by SOS Børnebyerne in partnership with SOS Children's Villages Ukraine, serves as a model and catalyst for promoting family-based care instead of institutional placements.

The project will establish three clusters of homes and social centers across three regions in Ukraine, specifically designed for foster families. These homes are built according to the Living Places concept, developed by the VELUX Group, EFFEKT and Artelia.

The first location has been chosen in Lviv, western Ukraine. Throughout the process, the Lviv City Council has been highly supportive, culminating in a memorandum signed in late 2024. This agreement paves the way for a lease contract for the first site in April 2025, with construction expected to begin in the summer of 2025.

The coalition behind Children’s Living Places includes:
Villum Fonden, Viessmann Foundation, Grundfos Foundation | PDJF, Bitten & Mads Clausens Foundation, DOVISTA, SOMFY FOUNDATION, VELUX Ukraine, Artelia Denmark, Flügger group A/S, EIFO, and Kromann Reumert.