EFFEKT to help transform former industrial hall into a creative hub and new headquarters for Roskilde Festival Group
EFFEKT to help transform former industrial hall into a creative hub and new headquarters for Roskilde Festival Group

Together with emerging architecture firm Jespersen Nødtvedt and Artelia, EFFEKT will transform the 1,800-square-meter industrial hall, Hal 9, into a dynamic gathering space for employees, volunteers, local associations, and communities. The transformation of the industrial hall aims to set new standards for recycling in construction.

"We need clients like Roskilde Festival Group, who dare to lead and contribute to driving the green transition in the construction industry. The vision is to create a beacon for recyclability by transforming the old, raw Hal 9 into a new open and generous meeting place in the Musicon district. The construction industry needs pioneering projects that dare to test new solutions, inspiring others. That’s why we are incredibly proud to have been chosen as the overall consultant for the project and look forward to realizing it together with the new young talents, Jespersen Nødtvedt." Says Tue Hesselberg Foged, Co-founder and Creative Director, EFFEKT.

A Test Lab for Sustainable Construction
The transformation of Hal 9 will act as a testing ground for solutions that minimize the strain on the planet’s resources. It focuses on reuse and recycling, using biogenic materials where reuse isn’t possible, and creating as little waste as possible during the process.

"We see the transformation of Hal 9 as an opportunity to push the boundaries of sustainable construction. It is imperative that we create a more sustainable future, and it aligns with Roskilde Festival Group’s values to lead, create space for experimentation, and inspire positive change. With Hal 9, we aim to create a building that serves as an example and inspiration for others,” says Signe Lopdrup.

A Gathering Space for the Local Community
Hal 9 will serve as both the base for Roskilde Festival Group and a hub for the local community, offering spaces for art and music. The venue will also include a 600-square-meter event hall designed for concerts, art exhibitions, and community gatherings.

"The future Hal 9 is intended to benefit and contribute to the local community. Local associations and groups should have a space here for everyday activities, supported by facilities that enable cultural and social events. We want Hal 9 to become a new creative hub in Musicon, where all of Roskilde can come together throughout the year," says Signe Lopdrup.

The planning and detailing of Hal 9’s transformation will take place in 2025, with construction starting in 2026. The building is expected to open in early 2027.

Learn more about the plans for Hal 9 here.

Image: Christoffer Anias Sandager/Roskilde Festival Gruppen