EFFEKT and EKJ secure Copenhagen’s climate adaptation and public space frameworks
EFFEKT and EKJ secure Copenhagen’s climate adaptation and public space frameworks

In collaboration with EKJ Consulting Engineers A/S, EFFEKT has secured Copenhagen Municipality’s climate adaptation and public space frameworks for the upcoming two years.

Copenhagen Municipality highlighted our joint team's exceptional ability to assess and manage risks in complex climate projects and our systematic approach to environmental sustainability.

"At EFFEKT, we are immensely proud to have been chosen as consultants to contribute to the creation of resilient and sustainable solutions for Copenhagen's future. Our holistic approach to urban development, architecture, and landscape architecture places nature in the driver’s seat, ensuring that water is seen as a resource rather than a threat and that climate resilience is seen as an opportunity to enhance the magnificence of public spaces." Says Virginie Le Goffic, Head of Landscape, EFFEKT.

Image: Rasmus Hjortshøj