Prequalified for bid on social housing renovation
EFFEKT and Rambøll prequalified together to submit a bid for a framework agreement with Østjysk Bolig, for a 4-year consultancy on different projects – including renovation, urban planning, maintenance and transformation of outdoor spaces of existing residential areas as well as the design of new buildings.
Eight teams have now been shortlisted and invited to submit a bid, including Arkitektfirmaet Frost Larsen (Oluf Jørgensen Rådgivende Ingeniører + Landskabs-arkitekt Birgitte Henningsen), Arkitema (COWI), Ingeniørfirmaet Viggo Madsen (ERIK arkitekter), Mangor & Nagel Arkitekter (Vesthardt Design + Labland + Wissenberg + Tri-consult), MOE (TRANSFORM), P+P Arkikter (D.A.I. + byMUNCH), Pluskontoret Arkitekter (NIRAS).
The four winning teams will be announced in March.