DIY urban aquaculture is the new green
DIY urban aquaculture is the new green

In the Huffington Post-article "Why Locals (and You) Will Love Copenhagen This Year", the HarbourFarm project is mentioned as one of the progressive initiatives, that makes Copenhagen earn the title European Green Capital 2014.

"If the thought of diving safely into city water isn't shocking enough, consider dining on harbor-raised mussels or oysters at one of Copenhagen's top restaurants." the article says, also referring to Monocle's crowning of the world's most livable city.

Want to know more about the project? At the moment the NGO Maritime Allotments is experimenting with aquaculture aiming to take shellfish from dockside to plate in a matter of minutes. Join the wave on Maritime Allotments Facebook page, where they announce their popup-workshops and other events.