Delhus Knowledge Project
The Knowledge Project “Del Hus” (Danish for “Share House”) takes its departure point in the Reduction Roadmap, which sets clear targets of how to scale the construction industry within safe and just planetary boundaries.
Denmark is standing at a critical crossroads. The planet’s ecological boundaries are tightening, and the carbon budget is rapidly shrinking. Simultaneously, the Danish population is projected to increase by 167.000 inhabitants until 2040, driving a significant housing demand.
This is forcing us to rethink: How do we create livable space for everyone within the ecological boundaries of the planet?
Delhus investigates the possibility of covering the projected population growth through the existing building stock – in this case single-family houses – without new construction. It maps and gathers knowledge on the sub-division of single-family homes. The aim has been to create a comprehensive knowledge base for future projects that focus on establishing multiple homes within the existing housing stock. The project primarily deals with detached house neighborhoods and is limited to subdivisions as a form of human densification, rather than building densification.
This project is part of ”Bevar Mere”, which aims to support a shift in mindset and practice in Denmark, so that the transformation and renovation of the existing building stock becomes an attractive and qualified alternative to new construction.
The work has been carried out by V!GØR ApS and EFFEKT Arkitekter ApS on behalf of Foreningen Del Hus.
The proposal is open source and available for download and use in English and Danish.
Project name
Delhus Knowledge Project
Research on-going
Supported by
Bevar Mere
Louise Heebøll (V!GØR ApS, Foreningen Delhus)
Dani Hill-Hansen, Fabian Lecker, Haidy Mousa, Juan Pablo Herrero Gil, Kasper Reimer